FCSN South Bay Free Seminar – 111718


November 17 - 04:30 pm


November 17 - 06:20 pm

FCSN SOUTH BAY Free Seminar Topic: New South Bay Housing Project

Speakers:  CK Lee, Lucia Gan, FCSN 
Date/Time: November 17, Saturday, 4:30-6:20pm
Place: FCSN South Bay Center1029 S. Bascom Avenue, San Jose, CA 95128
Cost of Seminar: FREE
Children Classes and Dinner: ONLY available for registered South Bay Regular Family Support Gathering families (not available for walk-ins)
Content :

1. Because City of San Jose adopted “South Bascom urban village plan” on 5/8/2018, 6-story mixed used building can be built near FCSN south bay center.
2. A group of parents like to form a LLC to purchase a property near FCSN south bay center.
3. This project is not sponsored or operated by FCSN.
4. This project may take up to 10 years.
5. Report the project status.
6. Q&A

Coordinator: Jennifer Li, Yvonne Liu

FCSN and King Forest Foundation Seminar Coordinator
Sponsored by Department of Developmental Services