FCSN South Bay Free Seminar – 042019


April 20


04:30 pm - 06:20 pm

FCSN SOUTH BAY Free Seminar Topic: Special Needs Employment Workshop

Speaker:  Sarah Kim-Lee, Public Affair Specialist for Social Security office
Date/Time: April 20, Saturday, 4:30-6:20pm
Place: FCSN South Bay Center1029 S. Bascom Avenue, San Jose, CA 95128
Cost of Seminar: FREE
Children Classes and Dinner: ONLY available for registered South Bay Regular Family Support Gathering families (not available for walk-ins)
Workshop for learning more about employment and SSI (supplemental social income). Speaker Sarah Kim-Lee is a Public Affairs Specialist at the SanFrancisco Regional Public Affairs office and is experienced in community outreach promoting social security initiatives.

Coordinator: Yvonne Liu, Jennifer Li

Co-hosted with the Tang & Gau Global Foundation
FCSN and King Forest Foundation Seminar Coordinator
Sponsored by Department of Developmental Services