FCSN South Bay Free Seminar – 040619


April 6


04:30 pm - 06:20 pm

FCSN SOUTH BAY Free Seminar Topic: Holistic Behavioral Plan” Part 2

Facilitator:  Auntie Anna, Co-Founder of FCSN and Vice President of Enrichment Programs and Community Relations
Date/Time: April 6, Saturday, 4:30-6:20pm
Place: FCSN South Bay Center1029 S. Bascom Avenue, San Jose, CA 95128
Cost of Seminar: FREE
Children Classes and Dinner: ONLY available for registered South Bay Regular Family Support Gathering families (not available for walk-ins)
Workshop for Holistic Behavioral Plan for Our Loved Ones (Part 2)
* Our Loved Ones’ Behavior Driving Us Crazy?
* Tired of Waiting for a Behaviorist to Solve Our Problems?
Topic to be Discussed and Shared:
* Understanding Our Loved Ones’ Challenges
* Development of the Behavioral Flow Chart
* Behavioral Case Studies
* Make a Holistic Plan via a Flow Chart
* Evaluate the Plan
* Implement Plan at Home

Coordinator: Yvonne Liu, Jennifer Li

FCSN and King Forest Foundation Seminar Coordinator
Sponsored by Department of Developmental Services